Always looking for the top


Contributing to the conservation of Baja California's biodiversity

Institutions involved

  • Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre. President.
  • Joaquín Caso Niebla. General Secretary.
  • Luz Flores Gutiérrez. General Research and Postgraduate Coordinator.
  • Sara Ojeda Benítez. Coordinator of environmental management projects.
  • Aldo Antonio Guevara Carrizales. Research Professor, School of Science.
  • Gorgonio Ruiz Campos. Research Professor, School of Science.
  • José Delgadillo Rodríguez. Research Professor, School of Science.
  • José Ramiro Cárdenas Tejeda. Honorary President.
  • Jorge Mario Arreola Real. President.
  • Javier López López. Secretary.
  • César Méndez Macías. Treasurer.
  • Mario Soto Figueroa. Vice President of Institutional Development
  • Felipe Cuamea Velazquez. Vice President of Alumni
  • Raúl Villarreal Álvarez. Vice President of Sustainability.
  • Adrián Olea Mendívil. President of the Ensenada Chapter.
  • Mario Soto Figueroa. President of the Mexicali Chapter.
  • Vicente Camacho Guillén. President of the Tecate Chapter.
  • Ana Fernanda Gallego Pérez. President of the Tijuana Chapter.
  • Silvia López Alarcón. Surveillance Committee.
  • Ricardo Valenzuela Martínez. Surveillance Committee.
  • José Guadalupe Mojica Moreno. Surveillance Committee.
  • Karina Nieblas Guerrero. Executive Director.
  • Enrique Ruiz. Santuario Cimarrón Operations Coordinator.
  • Pedro Álvarez Icaza. National Commissioner of Natural Protected Areas.
  • Everardo Mariano Meléndez. Baja California Peninsula and North Pacific Regional Director.
  • María Concepción Pérez Recoder. Director of the Valle de los Cirios Flora and Fauna Protection Area.
  • Reginaldo Esquer. Project leader.
  • Alberto Leopoldo Moran y Solares. Director of the UABC School of Sciences.
  • Guillermo Romero Figueroa. Research Professor, School of Science.
  • Salvador Jiménez Vargas. Volunteer.
  • Jonathan Díaz Castro. Volunteer.
  • Luis Javier Garavito Elías. Volunteer.
  • Daniel Tapia Hernández. Volunteer.
  • Ricardo Esquer Martínez. Volunteer.
  • Ing. Federico Godínez Leal. Federico Godínez Leal. Volunteer..

Our Purpose

Together with other organizations, we seek to generate actions for conservation, research, environmental education, and the strengthening of human communities that coexist with the bighorn sheep in the Sierra de la Asamblea, Baja California.


The Santuario Cimarrón conservation efforts are focused on a 30,000 ha polygon in the Sierra de la Asamblea, located in southern Baja California between Bahía de San Luis Gonzaga and Bahía de los Ángeles.


"The Santuario Cimarrón is a collaborative effort between several groups of people who see the project as a hope for life.”

        — Georgina Walther. Former Director of the Fundación UABC

"The Santuario Cimarrón is a project of great importance for the conservation not only of an emblematic species such as the bighorn sheep, but also of the desert and mountain ecosystems on which all the inhabitants of Baja California depend.”

    — Enrique Ruiz. Santuario Cimarrón Operations Coordinator

"It's very important to have an area like the Santuario Cimarrón dedicated solely to bighorn sheep conservation in order to recover the species' populations."

        — Raul Valdez. Professor Emeritus, New Mexico State

"Initiatives like the Santuario Cimarrón are important for the conservation of species that live in places that are at high risk of disappearing due to climate change."

        — Alina Monroy. Researcher at CIBNOR

"The Santuario Cimarrón is a great effort by the UABC Foundation to preserve an extraordinary place for the benefit of present and future generations."

        — Pascal Beltrán del Río. Journalist

"This project is a great legacy for Baja Californians and Mexicans.”

        — Alfredo Ibarra. Donor of the UABC Foundation

"The place, the project is fabulous."

        —  Gabriela Coria. Alumni UABC

"This project is a great effort, very much appreciated, hopefully they will be able to continue to support the conservation, the preservation of one of our university symbols."

        — Sandra Mariela Sánchez. Alumni UABC

"The Sierra de la Asamblea is all a wonderful dream: very starry sky at night; beautiful surroundings, seen before, but not admired as these days".

        — Salvador Jiménez. UABC Foundation Associate

sierra de la asamblea

The Sierra de la Asamblea is cataloged as a sky island because at its peak, at 1,200 meters above sea level, is the only coniferous forest that exists in the central region of the Baja California Peninsula, which is surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of desert that isolates it from any other similar ecosystem.

This situation causes that the place has a high biological value, because the desert acts as a barrier that prevents the dispersion of organisms, it is possible to find several endemic species, that is, that live only in this place, and relict species that were abundant in previous geological eras, but are now confined to the heights of the mountain range because only there they have the necessary conditions to survive.

Bighorn Sheep

The bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) is the most emblematic wildlife species of the state of Baja California. These animals are characterized by the massive, curved, spiral horns of adult males, a structure they use to fight for the right to mate and for dominance in the herds. Females also have horns, but they only extend backward to form a crescent.

There are six subspecies (breeds) of bighorn sheep: two are mountain sheep, O. c. canadensis and O. c. sierrae; the other four are desert sheep, O. c. nelsoni, O. c. mexicana, O. c. cremnobates, and O. c. weemsi. These subspecies differ in size, coat color, and skull and horn size. The four subspecies of desert bighorn sheep live in Mexico, and two of them converge in the state of Baja California: O. c. nelsoni and O. c. cremnobates.

Bighorn Sheep Frequently Asked Questions

No, the bighorn sheep is found from southern Canada to northwestern Mexico, so it is a species shared by Mexico, the United States, and Canada.


No, but it is a species protected by national and international laws: in Mexico it is classified as a species of special protection, which means that its exploitation must be regulated to avoid its extinction; internationally it can only be traded if its legal origin is proven.


No, the response of a sheep to an approaching person will be to flee, even if the animal feels cornered, it will instinctively look for a way to escape.

Yes, although it is true that their digestive system is adapted to extract the maximum amount of water from food, and they tend to eat cacti to supplement their hydration, the water they obtain in this way is not enough to meet their needs, so they must go to the water holes periodically.

Males live an average of twelve years while females have a life expectancy of fifteen years. In captivity it has been recorded that males can live up to twenty years and females up to twenty-two years.

Bighorn sheep eat virtually every plant that grows in the mountains - except the poisonous ones, of course - so it would take several pages to list the plants they consume; however, in order of importance, their diet consists of shrubs, herbs, trees, cacti, agaves, and grasses.


In Baja California, the only animals that prey on bighorn sheep are the golden eagle and the puma; however, in general, these animals can only prey on sheep under six months of age, since once they reach this age, predators are difficult to surprise or catch.

The human activities that have the greatest impact on the species are poaching, strip mining, extensive ranching, and the construction of infrastructure that fragments their habitat. However, there are other seemingly innocuous activities, such as hiking, that have been shown to negatively impact bighorn sheep if not properly managed, as well as others whose effects on these animals are not fully understood, such as wind farms.

The word cremnobates means "cliff hunter", so the full name of the subspecies Ovis canadensis cremnobates translates to "Canadian Cliff Hunting Ram".

According to the estimate based on the results of the 2021 aerial census - the last census to date in which the entire state was flown over - Baja California is home to 1,697 sheep.

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